Medicine pricing & reimbursement in Luxembourg

Pharmaceutical companies submitting dossiers for medicine reimbursement need a good understanding of the processes in the markets they wish to enter. With years of experience, the team at e&a consultants is here to support you every step of the way. Below is a brief guide to medicine pricing and reimbursement in Luxembourg. You can also visit our overview for the Belgian market.

Disclaimer: certain administrative details or timelines may vary based on specific cases. 

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Pricing and reimbursement dossier 

After obtaining marketing authorisation, the pricing dossier can be submitted. When submitting a pricing dossier, pharmaceutical companies must reference the price from a 'country of origin', which needs to be another EU country, and is often Belgium or another neighbouring country of Luxembourg. As a result, this stage is largely an administrative task and relatively straightforward – but still a critical part of the process. 

The pricing request evaluation takes one month. Once the public price is set by the Ministry of Social Security, the reimbursement dossier can be submitted. This part involves filling out a template and submitting the necessary information.  

After submitting the reimbursement dossier, it will be evaluated within 6 months. 

Two official lists 

Luxembourg maintains two official medicine lists: 

  • The List of Marketed Medicines includes all products that have successfully completed the pricing phase. 

  • The Positive List of Reimbursable Medicines features medicines that are eligible for partial or full reimbursement. Once a medicine is approved after the six-month evaluation, it will be added to this list. 

Notably, Luxembourg offers reimbursement for more medicines than many other governments. 

European marketing authorisation 

Many medicines are issued a European marketing authorisation, confirming their status as medicines and granting access to most EU countries. However, Luxembourg requires an additional national marketing authorisation, which can be granted based on the European one. This is an essential step that shouldn’t be overlooked. 

Securing medicine reimbursement in Luxembourg may seem like a detailed process, but with the right guidance, it becomes manageable. With e&a consultants by your side, you’ll have the support you need to navigate each phase with ease. 

Medicine pricing  & reimbursement in Luxembourg

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