Discover our services


Feasibility study & strategy

How feasible is it to bring your orphan medicine to the market? And what strategy should you apply for your product? We analyse your medical data, execute a feasibility study and draw up a strategy proposal.


Market access

Do you want to enter the market with your innovative medicine or do you need support in price changes throughout the product lifecycle? We draw up and submit the necessary dossiers and support you in the negotiations afterwards.


Real world data

Do you want to collect data to improve the quality of your medicine or renew your medicine’s reimbursement status? Discover our uniquely designed platform that collects data from Belgian hospitalists in a GDPR-proof manner.


Public affairs

Looking for a public affairs specialist to monitor upcoming policy changes or establish connections with potential stakeholders? At e&a consultants, we’ve built an extensive network of the industry’s key players and authorities.

Discover our services

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